Everest English B. Secondary School
It is my great pleasure that Everest English Boarding School which is situated on the lap of beautiful, historical Butwal city, has completed its glorious twenty-seven years' educational journey. Having been established in 2042 B.S, EEBS has gained remarkable academic achievements so far, which makes us feel pride. I would like to thank all the education lovers, social workers, guardians, teachers, other staff, students, and other personalities for helping us to bring this institution up to its present situation.
It is known to all that EEBS has been able to keep its identity as a dynamic educa...
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About College
Aims and Objectives of the Organization
Everest English Boarding School aims at imparting quality education to children keeping in mind their psychological and physical needs. Its aim is to enable them to develop their faculties, to strengthen and expand educational schemes for meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow. Its purpose is to produce disciplined amicable, confident, dynamic, capable, good, and helpful citizens for society and the country. EBS has its explicit purpose of providing pragmatic education/knowledge on various subjects besides the government curriculum to determine the future of students. The specific objects are undermentioned.
_ To fulfill the necessity and demand for quality education.
_ To develop the school as a well-equipped model institution in this area in the
active participation of teachers, guardians, social workers and those who are
interested in educational activities.
_ To produce amicable, confident, disciplined, dynamic, self-helped and helpful
citizens necessary for society and the country.
_ To yield capable students to become specialists in various subjects.
_ To produce skilled manpower necessary for governmental and non-
governmental organizations and academic institutions.
_ To bloom and develop the feelings of universal brotherhood.