Yubraj Panthi from New Horizon School embraced the title of Nepal School Mela Online Quiz
Yubraj Panthi from New Horizon English Boarding School, Butwal bagged the title of Nepal School Mela Online Quiz Contest, followed by Ashok Acharya from Kanti Secondary School, Butwal as First Runner-up and Aarjan Basnet from Tulsi Boarding School, Tulsipur as the Second Runner-up at the Online Quiz Grand Finale held on Saturday, 29th Jestha 2078. Similarly, Kapil Dev Karki from Gwallek Navakiran School, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur, Santosh Bhattarai from Vijaya Samudayik Shiksha Sadan, Gaindakot and Puskar Chapagain from Occidental Public School, Anamnagar, Kathmandu received the 4th, 5th and 6th positions respectively.
Grand Finale and Closing Ceremony of Nepal School Mela Online Quiz Contest graced by Ram Prasad Thapaliya, Secretary of Ministry for Education, Science and Technology was held at 4:00 PM yesterday via Zoom Live Webinar. The program was chaired by Tikaram Puri, Central Chairperson of Private and Boarding Schools’ Organization Nepal (PABSON).
About 200 students from 47 districts had participated in Nepal School Mela Online Quiz Contest, which was the largest and first online quiz contest in the national level after the Covid-19 Pandemic. Out of 200, as many as 120 students were eligible for participating in the quiz. Eventually, 36 contestants, who were selected through hit-round, had been divided into six groups, having 6 individual contestants in each group who had competed in a series of playoff games. Selecting 2/2 winners from each playoff game, 12 contestants had competed in the semi-final game from which 6 had been successful in reaching the Grand Finale.
There was a strong competition among them. Speaking at the live webinar of Online Quiz Contest, Ram Prasad Thapaliya acknowledged the program as an effective and informative during the pandemic which was really an inspirational and praiseworthy endeavor. He added, “Online quiz is also an innovative way of conducting an online class, and I would like to express my heartiest thanks to the organizing team for initiating a new approach in the quiz contest and utilizing the technology.”
Expressing closing and inspirational remarks to the contestants, Tikaram Puri, President of Private and Boarding Schools’ Organization Nepal (PABSON) expressed thanks to all the contestants. He enforced that it encouraged the organization (PABSON) to spearhead extra-curricular activities, and this program proved it was possible. “The Pandemic has taught us a new lesson to adopt technology”, said Mr. Puri.
Ritu Raj Sapkota, President of National PABSAN, added that we should not hide the students’ extra-curricular potentialities; we should more forward facing the problems if they occur.
Announcing the results of Online Quiz Contest, D.K. Dhungana, Co-Chair of PABSON, who was the Chief Judge of the program, congratulated all the participating contestants for showing their disciplinary manner, diligence, and intelligence. He committed to conducting such extra-curricular activities in the future that would elevate students’ potentialities of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.
All the Grand Finale Contestants were pledged consolation prizes. The first-place winner was awarded NRs. 25,000; second-place winner NRs. 15,000 and third-place winner NRs. 10,000. A cash consolation prize of NRs. 3,000 was pledged to the 4th, 5th and 6th position holders each.
Everest College-Biratnagar, Global College of Management, Southwestern State College, Jay Multiple Campus and NAMI College supported the program as the Main Sponsors while The Times International College, IST School, Valley Public School, Ed Mark Academy, Rising Star School, Siddhartha Vidhyapeeth School and Zest Ideology Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd as the co-sponsors. Similarly, Global IOT Nepal, N-PABSAN, Khabar Education, Smatters—the learning app, Student World and YouTube Partner: Shared Pearls of Wisdom, including various organizations, schools and colleges played a pivotal role in making this event a grand success.
College Readers, Nepal’s top-notch English magazine had organized the Nepal School Mela Online Quiz Contest in association with PABSON. The program was hosted by RB Adhikari, CCM of HISSAN and Principal of Rising Star School whereas Quiz Program was conducted by Arjun Chapagain. The program became more interesting and widely participating when he played the quiz game with the Chief Guest—Ram Prasad Thapaliya. In addition, Kumar Ghimire, General Secretary of PABSON delivered a welcome speech whereas the Nepal School Mela Coordinator— Deepika Rimal Thapa gave Vote of Thanks to the participants.